Truth is objective, but it has many levels that we comprehend as a result of evolution. On our own, we cannot know absolutely all levels of truth.
We are not a sovereign race, but we are part of one large energy facility.
Spiritual freedom is a personal energy state. There is no concept of "unfreedom" on the scale of the universe.
You can't collect taxes because the money goes straight to work. Without them, important system-forming institutions will simply cease to function.
You're right. There are some pretty scary truths hidden in the shadows. The conspiracy of silence protects the masses from an existential crisis and from a huge scale of cataclysms.
You can make serious adjustments within the space available to your energy, for pleasure or personal gain. This can lead to the destruction of all life on Earth. Playing God is a dangerous game.
The power always belongs to the minority, it is the power. However, the majority can influence the minority and correct their actions, this needs to be done constantly. The more mutual cooperation between the majority and the minority, the more adjustments.
There will be no new storylines, we will simply disappear ahead of time. Our physical existence is of no great importance to the universe. The soul is an energy that becomes impersonal after your death, even if not immediately. There are exceptions, this is a complex physical process.
By itself, our energy will not travel through the universe, we will not be reborn in a new civilization, in a different physical state. Only within the space available to our energy.
Some events in the universe that we are not able to describe today are the result of unsuccessful storylines, accumulation of energy and its transition to a new state. Humanity is far from the first and far from the last race that destroys itself.